Friends we are so excited about what the Lord is about to do in the lives of all those who will trust in HIM. It is so interesting because I thought I was indeed trusting GOD for my life, but in essence the LORD showed me that I was doing things out of my gifts and talents that HE has given me, but I was not truly experiencing the TRUTH of HIS WORD!

Things were not manifesting as I desire it to be! I discovered I was trying to make it manifest doing my thing! But this is not the will of the LORD! The Lord desires that we have total dependency on HIM! Now, I am convinced that it is not the same for everyone to do it the same way to show that we are totally dependent on the LORD! So I am simply sharing what HE is showing me! I need to totally trust HIM especially in the area of finances in my life! I am not to make it happen. I got into a home base business that truly it is simply and many others in this business were having tremendous success, but it was not happening to me! Why? Because God did not tell me to go and build it! It was taking me away from what GOD told me to do when I left my job!

How many of you know that GOD has a way of getting your attention! He got my attention on the 14th of March 2015! Yes, the day of me writing this article! From the time I got up the Lord was making it very clear of what I needed to do and that is to TRUST HIM by stop trying to make it happen for me and focus in on what HE called me to do, mainly, author books and pastor the church-getting in position to truly hear from HIM that when I stand it is not because I read or studied it, but because I have experienced it!

Every Saturday, Apostle Gregory Ransaw, Founder of Covenant Partners Ministries, host the “Up It Hour” phone ministry (218-548-8869, pin: 135499 – 10AM EDT) and the topic of discussion for the next three months is talking about stress, good and bad! From a physical perspective and spiritual perspective. Dr. Tallie Gainer of Tallahassee, FL was the guest speaker to talk about the “silent killer” which is stress! Better said, not identifying and dealing with the stress can kill you! He had all those on the call to list those stressors that are in your life! And as I shared my list of things that was bringing stress in my life, his first suggestion to me was that I need to take some things off my plate and get back to what GOD wanted me to focus in on!
Friends, I am realizing now that this is the most important thing that we can do in our lives! I want the very best of what GOD has for me! I want to experience the truth of GOD’s WORD in my life! I want to see the miracles in every area of the lives of people that I serve and minister to! It’s time – but only as I am obedient to the things of GOD!

Friends you can be busy about a lot of things, but if it is not ordained by GOD you are brining undue stress in your life! The way it manifests in your life is that you cannot rest at night and get a good night’s sleep, you tend to get frustrated quicker, you are worried about how things will turn out, and you find yourself expending a lot of time on things GOD has not called for you to do and not enough time on the things GOD has called you to do! Also, if you are out of season for doing things, is just as bad! He may call you do something but it may not be the season to do it! The Lord will make room for your gifts! You won’t miss a thing!

I want to share the devotion that I read from my favorite devotional by Henry and Richard Blackaby EXPERIENCING GOD DAY BY DAY for March 14th entitled:
Truth Is to Be Experienced
When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." (Luke 5:4)

When Christ teaches you something about Himself, He implements it into your life through experience. As the crowds gathered around, Jesus chose to board Peter’s boat and teach the people from there. All day long Peter sat in the boat listening to Jesus teach the multitudes. At the close of His discourse, Jesus allowed Peter to experience the reality of what He had just been teaching the crowd. The crowd had heard the truth, but Peter was to experience it.

Jesus put His teaching into language a fisherman could understand. He told Peter to put out his nets into the deep water. Peter hesitated, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing.” Peter had been fishing all night, had washed and repaired his nets in the morning, and then listened to Jesus teach. He was tired. He probably was not expecting a dramatic encounter with God at a time like that. Yet, as Peter obeyed Jesus, he pulled in such a miraculous catch of fish that his boat almost sank! Peter was filled with amazement and recognized that he had just experienced the power of God (Luke 5:4–11).
Peter learned that with a command from Jesus, he could do anything. Thus, Jesus was able to reorder Peter’s priorities from catching fish to catching men (Luke 4:10). Peter’s obedience led to a dramatic new insight into the person of Jesus. This was an invitation to walk with Jesus in an even more intimate and powerful way.
God does not want you to merely gain intellectual knowledge of truth. He wants you to experience His truth. There are things about Jesus you will learn only as you obey Him. Your obedience will then lead to greater revelation and opportunities for service.

I had in mind to just share a portion but it was simply too good and I did not want to cheat you into what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to all of us! I highlighted the two points that truly spoke to my heart! I pray that it speaks to your heart as you read it again and meditate on it!
GOD wants us to experience HIS TRUTH! As a Pastor, with the truth of God’s Word I can preach it, teach it, counsel with it and it can all be from an intellectual knowledge because I have received the formal training to do it! And I am not saying that any of that is bad or wrong and I know that the Blackaby’s are not saying it is bad – but from God’s perspective, HE WANTS YOU AND ME TO EXPERIENCE WHAT HIS WORD IS SAYING! It’s hard to say that HE is a healer if you have never been healed from anything! It’s hard to say that God will make a way out of no way, if you have not experienced being between a rock and a hard spot! Yes, in order for me as a Pastor, I must experience the TRUTH of GOD’s word!
This is a new day for me! New discovery! God desires the very best in us, to show that HE has the very best for us! And that “very best” can only come from GOD! So we must allow Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all TRUTH of HIS WORD! And I don’t have to be afraid because HE has promised that HE would never leave me nor forsake me! He has said in HIS WORD in Psalms 23:4[NKJV] : “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

So I thank God for March 14, 2015! On this day the LORD showed me the way in which I should go! It is only by the way of TRUSTING IN THE LORD WITH ALL MY HEART AND LEANING NOT UNTO MY OWN UNDERSTANDING (TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT) BUT IN ALL MY WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE SHALL DIRECT MY PATH! Proverbs 3:5,6! Let the Lord do the driving! HE will not lead you wrong! TRUST HIM!

Pastor Don E. German
March 14, 2015