Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. JAMES 5:16 (Amplified Bible)

Happy New Year to you the reader! I see I must apologize that I have not written since April of 2016! WOW! It has been interesting since that time of my last writing. You see I have taken on the assignment of being a Middle School Teacher! Now to some that may not seem like nothing, but if there are any teachers out there you know what I am talking about of the challenges you face! Now, I knew that it was going to be challenging, but IT REALLY WAS A CHALLENGE for me the first semester of school. This was my first time teaching middle school students! After a while, I was ready to pack my bags and leave because I had never witnessed anything like I did during that first semester. I found myself just asking the Lord to help me make it to the December break! Now, I know why teachers enjoy every break they have – friends it is not easy being a teacher and even more so, being a Middle school teacher! I was ready to go back to the high school kids! However, there was something that kept me going back every day! Definitely it is not for the money! Teachers don’t get paid enough for what they deal with and encounter each week! What kept me going back was the truth of the matter that I was on assignment from the Lord! To be transparent, I know during my first semester, I lost sight of the fact that I was on assignment and I found myself complaining more than concentrating on the assignment! My assignment was to pray for my school, the administration, the teachers, the students, the students’ families, to stand in the gap and to tear down strongholds over the school. The school that where I am assigned, has low socio-economic population or should I say poverty mindsets! Children who see violence, hear profane words on a regular basis, told that they will never rise and be somebody! My assignment was to speak life into the hearts of those students, as well as have an opportunity to speak life into the hearts of the family, the moms, dads, guardians, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles! The caregivers of the students.

I made it to December and was reminded by a fellow pastor of my assignment there at the school! And a strange thing happens when you get back on your assignment and do as the Lord tells you to do! You can go in confidence and be about your Father’s business. Now every day specifically for 15 minutes in the morning before the students come, I am praying! Throughout the class periods I am praying! I am joining with other teachers who know the value of prayer and know that prayer is the key to change the school’s atmosphere! When we are on our assignment and praying, we become change agents! The Bible tells us that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. In the Amplified Bible it reads: Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. (Emphasis mine.)

Things still go on at the school that are personally challenging and frustrating. I hope for change because I see and know that the only thing that the students need is a change of heart and the only one that can do that is Jesus Christ. So if I keep my assignment at the forefront of my heart and mind, then I will be able to hold up against the forces of evil that will oppose me praying or teaching in the classroom! Remember what the Word of God says: The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. I must continue to stay on my assignment.

I was seriously asking questions of myself as to whether or not I wanted to return back to the school. My flesh was saying, “this is not for you, you don’t have to take all this, etc.” but my spirit was crying out to stay on the assignment, the assignment is not over – you have not seen the end of what GOD is about to do at the school! Our superintendent came to the school while I was going through this back and forth of whether or not to leave or stay and he said something that really gave clarity. He said, “How can children get a quality education when there is no stability of teachers staying long enough to invest in them.” It was at that point that Holy Spirit was speaking and saying stay on the assignment! Confirmed when I met with the IDFC ministers at our monthly VTC and talking about “Leaning on Jesus.” Holy Spirit confirmed that it was not the time to leave, but to stay to see what God is going to do! Of course, the enemy is going to oppose, make it rough, etc. but to those who endure to the end – we will see the Glory of GOD shine and make the changes! I may not get them all, but some! Glory to God for the changes in the some! And who knows the “some” will go back and get the ones that were not able to receive from me! To God be the Glory!!!

Believe it or not, I did not intend to write in this way, but Holy Spirit has a way to simply lead you. I pray that the words above have encouraged and helped you to stay on your assignment! Don’t leave the assignment undone because of opposition or because it is hard! The things we go through and deal with is to see what we are made of. Is what we proclaim about our relationship with the LORD real? Do you really believe that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you? What we proclaim will be tested!! What we say will be challenged by the enemy! This is why we must LEAN ON JESUS! Indeed, my favorite scripture verses are being perfected in me: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean unto your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct your path! Proverbs 3:5,6. The Lord is directing my footsteps and my attitude! Know that your attitude determines your altitude in GOD! If I go with the mindset that my prayers are effective and that GOD is making the difference in the lives of these young people, then my expectation to see GOD move will be great and I will see the salvation of the LORD! I will see the changes that GOD will do, but I must stay on my assignment NO MATTER WHAT MAY COME MY WAY! STAY FOCUS my brothers and sisters! STAY FOCUS on the things of GOD, the assignment HE has given you to do!

Blessings to you all and I pray with the moving of Holy Spirit that I will be consistent in sharing a word with you with these Pastor’s Notes! I love you all!