Upon Examining 2 Timothy 1:7 in the following different versions: New Living Translation, The Message and King James Version, I am thinking that fear used in this context, is not a matter of really being afraid but rather maybe a lack of confidence. One might ask, isn’t that the same thing? Well maybe, at first unless you dig a little deeper for a more concise understanding.

2 Timothy 1:7 is often used in sermons and exhortations to emphasize that we are not to be fearful. A question that comes to my mind is what about past experiences that have caused fear and anxiety to rear their ugly heads? What if a person is claustrophobic? Does it mean because they have fear, that they have not put enough faith in God? Possibly, the best solution to this question would be that it is not that you are not afraid (because in the depths of your heart you know you are) but rather to do it afraid.

I had an experience when I was younger, that left an impression on me that makes it difficult for me to get on elevators. However, I do get on elevators when I deemed it necessary i.e. the hotel room is higher than the 6th floor; it is just too inconvenient to try to find the stairs; or because the load (groceries, suitcases) I am carrying is much too heavy. It is also difficult for me to drive where there is a lot of traffic and congestion also.

What I would say in my case is I have done all of the things mentioned above and I have done them afraid. However, I can also say that in order to have done those things even when I was afraid, I depended on the Holy Spirit. Which could be considered what Paul was saying to Timothy. He was mentoring to Timothy that he was going to go through some tough times in ministry but to depend on the Holy Spirit. If/When Timothy depended on the Holy Spirit, it would give him courage. Courage, in a definition that I heard a while ago, doesn’t mean that you are not afraid but rather it is when love and fear are opposing each other but love takes over.

I do hope to be totally delivered from my fears however, until that change comes, I will continue to rely on the Holy Spirit to take me through those times.

2 Timothy 1:7
New Living Translation
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

The Message
God doesn’t want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.